Farming Life In Another World (2024)

Farming Life in Another World (異世界のんびり農家, Isekai Nonbiri Nouka), is a Fantasy/Isekai Light Novel written by Kinosuke Naito and illustrated by Yasumo (who also illustrated Banished from the Hero's Party). It was first released as a Web Serial Novel on the Shōsetsuka ni Narō website on December 29, 2016 before being published by Enterbrain on October 30, 2017. A manga adaptation illustrated by Yasuyuki Tsurugi began serialization in Monthly Dragon Age on November 9, 2017. An anime adaptation was also announced in March 29, 2022 and started airing on January 6, 2023. It was licensed by Sentai Filmworks and can be watched through its HIDIVE platform.

In North America, the manga is licensed by One Peace Books, with the first volume being released in October 28, 2020.

Machio Hiraku was not having a very good life, after working nonstop for many years and neglecting his health, and eventually death caught to him in his late thirties. However, he soon found himself before a mysterious God who offered him to reincarnate in a new world. After giving Hiraku a couple blessings, including complete immunity to diseases, Hiraku reincarnated in the middle of a forest, and now he's ready to become what he wanted most, a farmer with a relaxed life in this new world.

Farming Life in Another World has examples of the following:

  • Achievements in Ignorance: Thanks to the God who reincarnated him being a massive screw-up who barely explained anything to Hiraku before sending him off, Hiraku manages to accomplish a great many things simply by being ignorant of what's going on.
    • Hiraku grows crops and thrives in the Forest of Death because he doesn't know it's an infamously lethal haven of some of the most powerful monsters out there. The incredible safety afforded by everything around him being an absolute death trap gives the resulting village incredible geographic defense and significance, being an oasis of highly valuable resources and safe haven in a land of death and horrors.
    • Hiraku tames the Inferno Wolves after mistaking them for normal wild dogs, when Kuro and Yuki's horns had been shattered from an encounter with a Grappler Bear. This gets him a breeding pair of obscenely powerful, intelligent, and loyal monsters that act as excellent guides through the dangerous forests, his first perimeter security system, and also recruiters, as they were the ones who recruited Zabuton and were responsible for subduing most of the first villagers and convincing them to have peaceful talks with Hiraku—because they're afraid what would happen if the wolves had good reason to attack them again.
    • Hiraku manages to accidentally extort the Demon King into providing their explicit protection for dirt cheap, 10% of their raw agricultural output alone, when the going rate is normally 50-60%. The Demon King's representative later tearfully recounts he had no way to refuse such a horrendously lopsided offer, as he was surrounded by an entire army of extremely powerful species that are clearly intensely loyal to Hiraku, whereas Hiraku himself just thinks they're relatively normal citizens. He also terrifies said Demon King and his subordinates once they realise that the cloth he used to wrap up their gift is Demon Spider Silk from Zabuton, who they fear as an intensely powerful monster that could threaten their highest echelons, and here Hiraku has clearly tamed one and can easily get her silk.
    • Hiraku also SOMEHOW stumbles on to a scheme of a Mad God of Magic trying to break his seal. He and the Great Tree Village stomp out the God’s servants, locate the weakening parts of the seal, and then reinforces the seal, preventing a crisis that would’ve seen the world destroyed 20 years from the present.
  • All Animals Are Dogs: Why Hiraku mistakes the Inferno Wolves as dogs. Aside from their horns and fire-breathing, they show a lot of behaviors in common with domesticated dogs, even enjoying headpats and playing fetch.
  • Amazon Chaser: This is the way it works among Inferno Wolves: the males value strength, and are the ones that show off for the females. The females choose who they want, and if their desired mate rejects them they fight it out. This is the reason some of the Kuro pups come back from seeking mates with minor injuries: they lost a fight with the female that became their mate. Kuro in particular recounts how Yuki soundly beat him on their first meeting. Kuro then travelled with her and they became mates with several generations worth of litters.
  • Amplified Animal Aptitude:
    • Kuro the Inferno Wolf becomes an Instant Expert in Board Games like reversi, chess, and mahjong. It is indicated the Inferno Wolf species possesses at least human-level intelligence and can even understand speech. Though most characters are not aware of this.
    • The Queen Bee (probably her worker bees too) also understands speech and is visibly relieved when overhearing that Hiraku and Zabuton will let her build a hive on the farm.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: The Goddess of Agriculture reads her father (the God who reincarnated Machio) the riot act for his NUMEROUS screw-ups. First, he was responsible for Machio’s first death by accidentally mismanaging his fate and giving him (a genuinely good person) a fate meant for truly evil people. Second, he gave Machio a copy of her divine spear (Machio’s All-Purpose Farming Tool), which would have outright KILLED him if he even tried to use it had it not been for Machio’s other boons/enhancements. Third, he placed Machio in the Forest of Death, a place not only completely unsuited for farming and cultivation, but also full of incredibly dangerous monsters (both of which are only a nonissue thanks to the All-Purpose Farming Tool). And, finally, his most egregious offense; because he never told Machio that the deity responsible for the All-Purpose Farming Tool is a woman, he ended up making a statue of what he assumed the deity might look like: that of a portly unattractive man in farming clothes.
  • Baby Fever Trigger: Name-dropped after the village celebrates Lu and Tia becoming pregnant. Every time a new pregnancy is announced, more women try to lead Hiraku into the bedroom.
  • Breeding Slave: Gender inverted. Basically this is what the elves wish Hiraku to be and make no secret of their intentions. Which is justified since there are apparently no male elves that would willing moving into Hiraku’s village due to holding a grudge from humans burning down their villages, so there ain’t any of them around help to repopulate their race. They even built Hiraku a bedroom that locks from the outside to accomplish this.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Double subverted, the girls do get dirty when helping around the farm, but they all have magic that allows them to clean up in an instant, something that Hiraku envies.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me:
    • Many of the races who stay with Hiraku join his farm because he wanted to help them with food and shelter.
    • Ria and her High Elf group decided to stay with Hiraku due to this. Although they found another Elf village far away before meeting Hiraku, Ria explained that they would be forced to obey the village's laws, with no guarantee that the girls would be treated nicely, so they kept wandering in the forest for a very long time.
  • Black Comedy Rape:
    • It's implied Hiraku and Lu's first time was a lot like this on the day they met and got "married".

      Lu: You're too rough! Not that I'm complaining.

    • And the day Tia joins the farm, Lu drags her into the bedroom because she can't deal with Hiraku on her own.
    • The Elves force themselves into Hiraku's bedroom so they can finally start breeding. Lu and Tia helpfully keep the door shut.
    • After Hiraku builds a bathhouse, Lu, Tia and the Elves take the opportunity to get closer to him in the bath. Needless to say, they didn't bathe for very long.
    • The very night the beastkin settle in Great Tree Village, Senna makes her way to Hiraku's room, and Ann locks the door from outside.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Hakuren is good at almost any task in the village, but would rather laze about in her room. She eventually settles on teaching the children so when they grow up to be hard workers, she "won't have to work anymore".
  • Bullying a Dragon: Lu first meets Hiraku after she decided to attack the Inferno Wolves, got beaten up and trapped by Zabuton's webs. Tia's and Flora's first meeting with Hiraku was pretty much the same.
  • Bumbling Dad: Turns out, the reason why The God was able to grant Hiraku with farming abilities was because he was the father of the God of Agriculture. Much to the Gods' chagrin that not only agreeing to his request without knowing any of the full details behind dad's mismanagement of Hiraku's life, gifting him with a Holy Hand Grenade that could have easily killed him had he not been given a healthy body, accidentally sending Hiraku into the middle of the Forest of Death upon reincarnation, but that he didn't clarify to Hiraku that it was actually a Goddess of Agriculture before sending Hiraku into his new life: resulting in Hiraku's shrine depicting the two gods as Men.
  • Chick Magnet:
    • Hiraku is this. Basically every vaguely humanoid female in the village has something for him, be it actual love, lust, or a desire to bear his children, and he has slept with almost all of them (save for the young beastkin who are more or less middle-schoolers in age). Much later in the story, Hiraku finally learns another reason why they hastily offer themselves to him: becoming the village chief's wife/mistress secures a place in the village for themselves and their peoples.
    • Masayuki the wolf has at least 3 partners.
  • Corner of Woe: Lu and Hiraku share one after they lose a series of chess and mahjong games against everyone else.
  • Curbstomp Battle:
    • Thanks to the All-Purpose Farming Equipment's incredible magical properties and raw strength, Hiraku is able to one-hit kill most anything or threaten even the most powerful species in the world like ancient dragons while barely breaking a sweat.
    • All of the residents' first encounters with the Inferno Wolves and Zabuton turns out as this, in Hiraku's pets' favour. Though they are powerful species in their own right, such as vampires and angels, Hiraku's pets have the advantages of being native to the Forest of Death, having survived for several years without Hiraku's assistance, and sheer force of numbers. Lu initially attacked one of the wolves, thinking she could handle one... only to quickly find out there were three of them plus Zabuton in the trees, ready to bind and subdue once they had her pinned. Even after tricking Hiraku to suck his blood and returned to full power, Lu is quickly headbutted in the stomach by Kuro, launched high into the air, before his children proceed to pounce on her and trap her in a Big Ball of Violence.
  • Cursed with Awesome: It's implied that Hiraku's unrivaled Green Thumb powers came at the cost of him being unable to use more conventional magics. Lulucy considers it a great trade-off, calling him the "most special person here".
  • Death World: The aptly named Forest of Death in the Land of Death, with nearly Everything Trying to Kill You, and where Hiraku's village is centered.
  • Does Not Know Her Own Strength: Lasty the dragon has trouble controlling her strength when doing farming work such as picking fruit. She finds her place as the village's storekeeper and negotiates trade deals with other settlements.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Hiraku's curry spices drive away the Inferno Wolves. Truth in Television as many spices and foodstuffs safe for human consumption can be irritating or even toxic to dogs.
  • Dub Name Change: The oni are called "cambions" in the English translation.
  • The Dreaded: Hiraku and every other resident of the Great Tree Village is this, without his knowledge or intention. The first companions he attracts are a mated pair of dogs (in reality two of the most dangerous types of monsters in the world), a massive spider (a more evolved version of a spider-monster which fought a Demon King to a draw), a vampire girl (who is the most powerful of her kind and is known as the Bloodsucking Princess), and said vampire girl’s Angel rival (who is the leader of a group known as the "Angels of Holocaust"). Later residents include high elves that specialize in guerrilla warfare, lizard men who can slaughter demons, and powerful dragons, just to name a few. And Hiraku is the one who they all devotedly follow.
  • Dying Race: The High Elf group make it clear there aren't that many of their kind left, with their obsession with having Hiraku's children stemming from a desire to bring their numbers back up.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: The Lamia Tribe have no clue why the Inferno Wolves and Demon Spiders attacked them and when they are taken to Hiraku who insists they cover up their breasts, they think that's the reason when that's unrelated.
  • Explosive Breeder: Kuro, Yuki and Zabuton's children multiply very quickly in just a few years. Though later on they make sure to keep their numbers under control.
  • Every Device Is a Swiss-Army Knife: The All-Purpose Farming Equipment, it becomes the tool that Hiraku wants in the moment, from a pickaxe and a shovel to a spear and a knife, and more! It is actually a replica of a holy spear called Gryme, the original being property of the Agriculture Goddess of the New World.
  • Family Theme Naming: Justified. Elf families don't use surnames, so they are named with the same first two letters being the same for every child to show they are related.
  • Food p*rn: Downplayed in the early chapters, where tasty foods are briefly mentioned. Emphasized more in the anime and later chapters of the source novels, where food preparations and tastes are given more detail and get close-up illustrations.
  • The Fog of Ages: Invoked by the Valgreif, the Vampire Progenitor, who has been alive since the beginning of time, and stays sane by periodically resetting his memory, last time being 300 years ago.
  • Giant Spider: Zabuton, a large spider who was scouted by Hiraku's Inferno Wolves to make clothes. And is very good at the business. Also, she loves potatoes and is an old friend of Lord Dryme's wife.
  • Green Thumb: While cultivating, Hiraku can plant new crops just by thinking about what he wants to grow, the likes of which were never before seen in his new world. Said crops sprout overnight and are then ready to harvest within days.
  • God Is Inept: Yes, Machio was reincarnated in a stupidly dangerous forest after dying due to divine mismanagement screwing up his fate... but not out of malice. The God in charge of all of this is just a bumbling idiot who accidentally screwed Machio over; or at the very least, that would be the case, if Machio actually knew that, or was actually suffering. Instead, he’s living a relaxed life as a village chief... with most of his villagers being insanely dangerous and powerful.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Hiraku's children are this by default, as none of Hiraku's wives are humans. The oldest of them is Alfred, his half-human and half-vampire child with Lulucy.
  • Harem Seeker: By proxy. Hiraku isn’t necessarily looking for new lovers, simply because they are more or less foisted onto him. The real harem seeker is his wife Lulucy, who justifies herself by saying that no single woman can handle Hiraku’s lust on her own. She starts by convincing her angel rival to get involved.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Garf and Daga start as friendly rivals to very close friends who spend a lot of their time together, whether that'd be practising the sword, bathing and sleeping in the same room.
  • Hope Spot: Hiraku's every attempt to get another available man in the village to breed with the more numerous women always go through a cycle of Hiraku getting his hopes up before it gets crushed.
    • The lizard men are oviparous and cannot procreate with women from other races. Centaurs also cannot cross-breed, though it doesn't stop one of their women offering to "have some fun" with him.
    • Hiraku allows a group from the neighboring beastkin settlement to move to his village if at least two are young men. He forgets to specify how young, so they send three little boys. Still, some of the elves hope they'll be ready in 10 years or so.
    • Dwarves prefer women with beards and aren't interested in the beardless non-dwarven women in the village.
    • Minotaurs are technically interfertile with other species, but the main problem is their size difference, being much taller than other humanoids.
  • Improbably Female Cast: Lampshaded. Hiraku is astounded that every elf that joins his village is a woman and briefly wonders if they are a One-Gender Race. It is explained to him that all the male elves are either dead or too prejudiced to move to a village ruled by a human.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl:
    • Lamia have no concept of nudity and typically do not wear clothing. At Hiraku's request, they start wearing strapless swimsuit-like piece of cloth around their breasts after they establish relations with the Great Tree Village.
    • The Nyunyu-daphne also didn't originally wear anything in their human forms, only doing so after Michael's instruction.
  • Line-of-Sight Name: After Hiraku's farm grows into a village, he and the others discuss names for their home, until Zabuton points to the big tree in the center. Hiraku decides on "Great Tree Village".
  • Loads and Loads of Races: There're many people from different races that end up joining Hiraku's farm or making trades with him: vampires, angels, high elves, beastmen, lizardmen, lamias, want us to keep going?
  • Magnetic Hero: Hiraku's able to attract a large number of new residents to his village just through his earnest personality and the food that he grows. So far, he's managed to attract the attention of Vampire Princesses, Warrior Angels, Elves, a Dragon Lord and his family, and even some of The Demon Kings' advisory council.
  • Mistaken for Cheating: Because of Lord Dryme's constant nighttime visits to the village with large sums of the treasury every night in order to purchase wine, his wife and daughter thought he was having an affair. Though Dryme is Easily Forgiven when he reminds them that he's actually too spineless to ever cheat on his wife.
  • New Life in Another World Bonus: Well, Hiraku received no less than four of them: a non-illness body, living in a peaceful place, understanding the native language of the new world, and being a farmer in the new world (although the God had to ask someone about the last wish). The Anime reveals that the person he called was the Agriculture Goddess of the New World, his daughter.
  • Nobody Poops: Averted. Early in the series, Hiraku makes sure to build a designated outhouse, but faces the problem of keeping it clean as more people move in. Tia suggests bringing in slimes to handle the waste.
  • Noodle Incident: Whatever Lu did before the story that got Tia mad and chasing after her.
  • Numerical Theme Naming: Kuro and Yuki's pups follow a naming convention of "kuro" + number (such as Kuroichi, Kuronii, etc). Later descendants are named after other colors or numbers in different languages (such as Uno, the wolves' #1 fighter).
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: Hiraku accidentally puts the representative of the Demon King in this position. From the representative's point of view, Hiraku has at his command an army of powerful beasts and warriors, and so had to accept the terms Hiraku set. The representative is shocked Hiraku is willing to pay 10% tax at all in exchange for the Demon King's forces being obligated to put their own lives on the line to protect them when he could have extorted better terms.
  • The Nudifier: Lu and Flora make their clothes out of magic, so if they are low on energy, their clothes disappear.
  • One-Gender Race: Angels are always female, forcing them to mate with males of other species to reproduce. Their child is always another angel.
  • Our Angels Are Different: Tia is one, though according to Lu they are simply a race of warriors that have more muscles than brains.
  • Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Donovan and his Dwarves who work the alcohol distillery all have short statures, love of alcohol, and beards (yes, even the women Dwarves are said to have beards). Averted in some respects that Donovan take their roles completely seriously: refusing to drink alcohol while on the job, and treating alcohol production more like a craft with trial-and-error than as a casual hobby.
  • Our Elves Are Different: Ria and her group of High Elves look like the stereotypical ones, but after their village was destroyed in a war, they also developed survival abilities out of necessity. Including lumberjack skills, building, mining, and smithing. Lampshaded by Hiraku:

    Hiraku: It's just that I thought that elves live in harmony with nature, so I thought that you guys hated fire.
    Ria: How are you going to live without fire?
    Hiraku: I thought you guys eat fruits for everyday foods and leave the trees unharmed, and avoided using metallic tools.
    Ria: Please, don't underestimate nature! If you lived the way you thought we live, you would die instantly! You wouldn't be able to survive for even one day!
    Hiraku: Oh, I see...
    So there, I gave up my preconception of elves.

  • Our Vampires Are Different: Lulucy Lu (or just Lu) and her cousin, Flora. They are vampires who suck blood to sustain themselves (and to keep their physical age more akin to a highschool girl), but their bites don't turn Hiraku into a vampire (although it could be justified as Hiraku is immune to all diseases and such), they aren't affected by sunlight and don't feel repressed by garlic.
  • Playing with Fire: The reason why the Inferno Wolves are called that is because they are wolves that can breathe fire.
  • Rage Quit: After Hiraku teaches the girls about games like Chess and reversi, Lu and Tia try a game of reversi. When Lu is about to lose, she "accidentally" flips the board into the air and says it looks like they have to start over. It doesn't work because Tia remembers the board perfectly and uses telekinesis to put all the pieces back.
  • Real Men Love Jesus:
    • Hiraku carves a pair of statues representing the Gods that reincarnated him and gave him his blessings. He always makes sure to leave offerings at their shrine.
    • The Progenitor greatly admires God; having met him before his birth and compulsory bowing to the shrine located beneath the Great Tree. Upon request, Hiraku creates a duplicate of the wooden statue which Progenitor later donates to the church.
  • Really 700 Years Old: It's all but stated all the non-humans (with the possible exception of beastfolk) Hiraku meets village are much older than him. The Elves are explicitly stated to be hundreds of years old (Ria being oldest at 400) and spent the last 200 years wandering the forest until they met Hiraku. Hakuren is 900 years older than her niece, Lasty.
  • Running Gag:
    • Every new girl that meets Zabuton, faints in the spot, to the latter's confusion. The light novels and manga explain that this is due to a passive skill she possesses, though it can be bypassed by people who have a strong will.
    • Every now and then, a Demon Kingdom official (usually Dryme or Randan) announces they're going to retire and move to Great Tree Village, only to be dragged back by their colleagues or subordinates.

      Dryme: The wine and food are great! I'm not going home, I wanna live here!
      Gucci: My lord, you cannot.

    • Whenever Hiraku introduces a new game/toy, certain races prove to be Instant Experts at it, leaving him depressed. He's particularly bad/unlucky at mahjong.
    • If Hiraku plays with one wolf or gives an Affectionate Gesture to the Head, the rest of the wolves will line up for their turn. Eventually, the beastkin girls and oni maids start lining up too.
  • Salt the Earth: The Forest of Death has a layer of salt beneath its soil, which presumably makes normal crops hard to grow, but Hiraku's farming tool automatically removes the salt and makes the soil fertile when he tills the fields.
  • Saw It in a Movie Once: Hiraku's vast knowledge of farming and cooking apparently comes from watching idols on TV demonstrating them.
  • Serious Business: Wine. Everyone in the village (of legal age, even the wolves) loves it, it has the most farm land dedicated to it and the villagers refuse to use it for trade. The first criminal trial to take place in the village was over a barrel of wine drunk and emptied by a slime (now referred to as the wine slime). The villagers unanimously voted it guilty and came up with several brutal punishments until Fraurem pointed out that a slime was unlikely to repent for its actions and they let it off the hook.
  • Sex God: Thanks to his "healthy body" blessing, Hiraku has great endurance in bed, almost too much for Lu and Tia. He still has his limits though when he gets overwhelmed by multiple elves.
  • Shower of Love: Hiraku builds separate baths for men and women, but at his harem's insistence, builds another for himself so they can have "private time" with him.
  • The Simple Life is Simple: Justified, thanks to the help of the "Omnipotent farming tool", which makes the process of farming trivially easy for Hiraku. The difficulty of farming without it is lampshaded by the other villagers when Hiraku uses traditional means to make rice, with them wondering how the end product justifies such a tedious and complicated preparation procedure.
  • Sleep-Mode Size: When a vampire is low on blood and energy, they turn into children and revert to normal once they feed. Lu and Flora usually stay child-sized to conserve magic and will take adult forms when they need to use more powerful spells or conceive a child. After Lu gives birth, she stays as an adult more often for her child's sake.
  • Slipping a Mickey: Something similar is anticipated but subverted. At one point the dragon Dryme brings a potion that dragons use as an energy/stamina boost, but which would keep a human man up for a week or longer. When Hiraku begs him not to mention it to the ladies, he reveals he'd already given it to several of them. Hiraku worries that he'll have to be careful with his food and drinks from that point on, only to feel relieved when the ladies instead just directly approach him and give up when he refuses.
  • Slow Life Fantasy: One more tale about a reincarnated salaryman who now lives in another world by farming.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: The oni maids are usually stoic and professional, but some get affectionate with Hiraku, especially at night. They have other moments of being Not So Above It All when playing games or wanting to earn Hiraku's favor.
  • Summon to Hand: Hiraku can do this with his Farming Tool after he puts in Hammerspace or throws it. He defeats Hakuren by throwing it at her, then as she's dodging, he calls it back and throws it again before she can recover.
  • Tastes Like Friendship: Hiraku's crops leave a very favourable impression for first-time visitors, many of whom end up moving in or making trade agreements with the village. Even those previously hostile to the village come around very quickly when they get to taste the food.
  • Token Human: Hiraku is the only human we ever see in his new life, though there are mentions of Human kingdoms waging wars offscreen against the Demonic Kingdom and other non-human settlements.
  • Trademark Favourite Food:
    • Lu loves tomatoes.
    • Meat for Inferno Wolves, though some prefer it cooked. Kuro has a preference for offal. In an omake, Hiraku also catches some of the wolves sneaking bites of vegetables from the garden.
    • Zabuton and her children like raw potatoes.
    • The high elves enjoy all manner of produce, especially garlic, even eating them raw.
    • Lasty really likes dried persimmons.
    • Hakuren often snacks on apples and becomes good at carving them into various shapes.
    • The Centaurs are quite fond of peaches.
  • True Craftsman: Early on, Hiraku shows talent in woodcutting and sculpting. He carves statues of the Agriculture Gods, Kuro and Zabuton, and designs all manner of board games and toys for the village. The only things he can't make are more complex musical instruments like pianos, and he usually gets guidance from the elves when constructing new buildings.
  • Undying Loyalty: The Inferno Wolves chose to stay with Hiraku after he offered shelter and food for the leader and his pregnant mate. Even after each new generation, many decide to stay and help Hiraku in return. This later extends to almost every resident of the village.
  • Unwanted Harem: In the light novel and manga, most ladies that are able to breed with humans actively and rather forcefully share Hiraku's bed. When Lu brought in the angel Tia as a second wife, he insisted he was happy with just Lu (though she immediately retorted that she couldn't last if it was just her). As the number of women rapidly expands, Hiraku becomes more and more desperate to get at least one additional man to help him handle all the aspiring mothers. Unfortunately, every male that arrives is either already in a monogamous relationship, firmly uninterested, biologically incompatible, or at least a decade too young.
  • Weight Woe: The oni maids take their combat training seriously, partially so they can still fit into their maid uniforms.
  • Weredragon: Lord Dryme and his family are capable of shifting from their draconic to humanoid forms easily. Of particular note is that due to her youth and inexperience, Lasty is incapable of hiding certain features of herself like her horns or her tail while her parents are indistinguishable from normal humans.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Drawing on fantasy stories from his old world, Hiraku assumed elves lived in the forest in harmony with nature while avoiding fire and metal. Ria quickly informs him that Nature Is Not Nice and trying to live that way is a death sentence.

The Anime adaptation has examples of the following:

  • Accidental Proposal: Lu mistakes Hiraku's offer to live together as a proposal. Once he realises, he doubles down and proposes for real.
  • Achievements in Ignorance:
    • The crops that Hiraku grows don't actually exist in the new world, being ones that grew on Earth before he was reincarnated. In one episode: a Noblewoman from The Demonic Kingdom said that her family had went out of their way to start an auction war in order to try purchasing a crate of Apples.
    • Taming The Dreaded monsters in the Forest of Death:
      • Kuro and Yuki are Inferno Wolves, fire-breathing highly-intelligent horned wolves. Hiraku ends up taming them, believing that they are just normal dogs, and that normal dogs have horns in the new world, offering them food. He doesn't realise that they are wolves, and are capable of breathing fire, until much later.
      • Zabuton is a giant demon spider, a powerful creature that single-handedly fought one of the previous Demon Lords to a standstill, and has connections with dragons. After being introduced to Hiraku by Kuro, she ends up living in a tree above his house, being fed potatoes (her favourite food), and creating clothing for him. And is apparently familiar with Dragon Lord Dryme's wife that the latter was able to recognize her.
      • Zabuton's children bring a Queen Bee (a large wasp/bee the size of a small dog) to Hiraku. He builds a house for their beehive, and lets them pollinate the farm.
    • The Omnipotent Farming Tool:
      • Hiraku is able to wield the tool unaffected, despite it being a replica of a divine spear that would ordinarily drain the life force of any human holding it.
      • The Omnipotent Farming Tool both intimidates the creatures in the Forest of Death, and is powerful enough that Hiraku was able to defend himself before being established, killing every creature that attacked in a single hit.
      • Using the tool, Hiraku was able to fell one of the trees in the Forest of Death in a single blow. The tree is said to be harder than steel.
      • The tool is able to break through a three-layer barrier created by a Wyvern, and kill it in two hits. Fighting a wyvern usually needs the combined forces of the entire demon army just to fight.
    • Almost all the villagers that Hiraku accrues in the Great Tree Village are powerful, feared beings in their own right. He just seems them as regular people.
    • By defeating the Wyvern in two hits, Hiraku's farm became the talk of the neighbouring kingdoms, who feared whatever monstrous creature (Hiraku) now resided in the forest.
  • Adaptational Curves: Senna, the village's beastman representative, has a noticeably larger bust in the anime than her manga counterpart.
  • Adaptation Explanation Extrication: The light novel and manga rather overtly establish that Hikaru has been sexually active with his harem. In contrast, the anime has only acknowledged sex in the context of the elves' desire to repopulate. This has led to certain moments in the anime lacking important context:
    • Lu's eagerness to find more women for Hikaru's harem was because the perfect health granted to him by the gods gives him a level of stamina that is to much for any one woman.
    • Lulucy's pregnancy in episode twelve can come across as this because the anime hasn't presented their relationship as much more than platonic.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Many of the races who stay with Hiraku join his farm because he was willing to help them with food and shelter.
    • Kuro and Yuki joined because he shared his food with them, and provided them shelter when they were both very wounded after a fight, and Yuki was heavily pregnant. In return, they've decided to swear undying loyalty to Hiraku, and live on the farm with him.
  • Book Ends: At the start of the series, Yuki gives birth to a litter of puppies. In the last episode, Lulucy gives birth to Hiraku's son.
  • Children Are Innocent: After Hiraku introduces "reward medals" as currency, a little beast-girl asks to exchange one for a baby, which he turns down. They settle with him being the children's playmate for the day.
  • A Day in the Limelight: At the tail end of Episode 4, Kuro narrates on his life before meeting Hiraku, when he and Yuki wandered the forest until both were defeated and Left for Dead by a grappler bear, leaving them too weak to hunt for food. Fortunately, they stumbled upon Hiraku's farm and after he saves their lives, they acknowledge him as their master.
  • Double Entendre: In Episode 3, when Lu asks Tia to stay on the farm, she mentions her body won't be able to handle everything if she's alone. While it may refer to farm work, following the light novels the anime is based on and the fact in Episode 10 reveals she got pregnant, she was really referring to not being able to keep up Hiraku in the bedroom.
  • The Dreaded: Almost all the residents of the Great Tree Village are this to some degree.
    • Kuro and Yuki, the first two villagers, are Inferno Wolves, highly-intelligent fire-breathing horned wolves.
    • Zabuton is a Great Demon Spider, one of whom were able to fight on equal footing with one of the former Demon Lords.
  • Foreshadowing: Episode 10 had a few subtle hints that Lulucy was pregnant before the reveal at the end.
    • Lu mentioning that her transformation powers were not working for some reason.
    • Zabuton was shown making baby clothes.
    • In previous episodes, Lu would get up tired in the mornings, which Hiraku surmises as her being Not a Morning Person, but in hindsight, might've been a clue of their nightly activities.
  • How We Got Here: The first episode begins with Hiraku dreaming of his past life when he was a patient on life support before waking up and walking outside where he's greeted by several of the villagers. The final episode of the first season shows that this scene was just a few weeks after the birth of his and Lulucy's son Alfred.
  • Male Gaze: The women get flattering angles of their shapely bodies, with the assistance of many wearing a short skirt and Cleavage Window.
  • Motherly Side Plait: Lu wears her hair like this when she's resting. Fittingly, she's the first woman in the village who becomes a mother.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Hiraku is shown shirtless at points such as when he was introducing the bathhouse to the female elves, and when he became the victim of strip mahjong.
  • Old-Fashioned Fruit Stomping: The Elves turn grapes into wine this way, coordinating their steps with a Musical Chores song.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The Dwarves are alarmed when the women suddenly stop drinking wine, until Hiraku explains they're abstaining in solidarity with Lu while she's pregnant.
  • Red Spider Lilies of Mourning: In the first episode, Hiraku worries if the plant sprouts created by the Almighty Farming Tool are edible, or just decorative plants. Red Spider Lilies are used in an Imagine Spot, reflecting how such an outcome would spell his doom right when he just started his new life.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: A strange case. Despite being a giant demon spider, Zabuton is just so cute and fluffy, not to mention her mannerisms (waving her front leg as a greeting). Same applies to her children who also have the same fluffy looks and mannerisms.
  • Running Gag:
    • Anyone who meets the non-humanoid villagers usually faints immediately upon seeing them, as they're familiar enough with the beings living in the forest to be terrified of them. Lu gets a kick out of this by introducing new villagers to Zabuton and the wolves.
    • In every group shot of the wolves, there's always one who's sleeping.
    • In episode 5, other characters express confusion when Hiraku says loanwords like "concrete" or "naan". The worst instance is when Hiraku mentions curry is usually made by "cooking roux in a pot" within earshot of Lu.
    • Flora's experiments result in a lot of Stuff Blowing Up.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Played for Laughs when Hiraku wonders how the elves plan to have children as they look expectantly at him.
  • Shout-Out:
    • On Hiraku's first night in the forest, he panics that he doesn't have the materials to start a fire and imagines himself being The Little Match Girl.
    • After Hiraku builds his first shed, he wonders if a wolf could huff and puff and blow it down. Not long after, he meets the wolf pair Kuro and Yuki, who decide to live in it.
    • When the topic of currency is brought up, Hiraku immediately thinks of rai stonesFarming Life In Another World (2).
  • Tamer and Chaster: The light novel and manga make casual references to Hiraku having sex with the women who live in his village, some of them ending up pregnant as a result. This does not occur in the anime adaptation, with Hiraku instead deliberately ignoring references to sex. Subverted as of episode 10: while it happens offscreen, Lulucy is confirmed as pregnant (though with hardly even a tacit acknowledgement that she and Hiraku have taken that leap, to the point where some anime-only viewers might almost wonder how).
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Hiraku isn't good with conventional weapons or magic, but he's a One-Man Army with his almighty Farming Tool.
  • Wacky Cravings: In Episode 10, Lu becomes bedridden and doesn't have much appetite except for tomatoes and other fruits. Senna mentions there was a woman in her village who also started craving sour foods, and later turned out to be pregnant.
Farming Life In Another World (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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